Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Devotion #14

1) Blessing is found in Obedience to God's Word
- Don't Be Deceived

2) Blessing is Found in Complete Obedience to His Precepts
- Don't Be Selective

3) Blessing is Found in Putting God's Word in Our Hearts
- Don't Be Superficial

Let's take time to deal with our Lives this WEEK as we seek His face and obey His Word to us.


Friday, May 2, 2008

Devotion #13

Thump-Thud, Thump-Thud
by Max Lucado

When a potter bakes a pot, he checks its solidity by pulling it out of the oven and thumping it. If it “sings,” it’s ready. If it “thuds,” it’s placed back in the oven.

The character of a person is also checked by thumping.

Been thumped lately?

Late-night phone calls. Grouchy teacher. Grumpy moms. Burnt meals. Flat tires. You’ve-got-to-be-kidding deadlines. Those are thumps. Thumps are those irritating inconveniences that trigger the worst in us. They catch us off guard. Flat-footed. They aren’t big enough to be crises, but if you get enough of them, watch out! Traffic jams. Long lines. Empty mailboxes. Dirty clothes on the floor. Even as I write this, I’m being thumped. Because of interruptions, it has taken me almost two hours to write these two paragraphs. Thump. Thump. Thump.

How do I respond? Do I sing, or do I thud?

Jesus said that out of the nature of the heart a man speaks (Luke 6:45). There’s nothing like a good thump to reveal the nature of a heart. The true character of a person is seen not in momentary heroics but in the thump-packed humdrum of day-to-day living.

If you have a tendency to thud more than you sing, take heart.

There is hope for us “thudders”:

Begin by thanking God for thumps. I don’t mean a half-hearted thank-you. I mean a rejoicing, jumping-for-joy thank-you from the bottom of your heart (James 1:2). Chances are that God is doing the thumping. And he’s doing it for your own good. So every thump is a reminder that God is molding you (Hebrews 12:5-8).

Learn from each thump. Face up to the fact that you are not “thump-proof.” You are going to be tested from now on. You might as well learn from the thumps—you can’t avoid them. Look upon each inconvenience as an opportunity to develop patience and persistence. Each thump will help you or hurt you, depending on how you use it.

Be aware of “thump-slump” times. Know your pressure periods. For me, Mondays are infamous for causing thump-slumps. Fridays can be just as bad. For all of us, there are times during the week when we can anticipate an unusual amount of thumping. The best way to handle thump-slump times? Head on. Bolster yourself with extra prayer, and don’t give up.

Remember no thump is disastrous. All thumps work for good if we are loving and obeying God.

This is an devotion from Max Lucado that i've recently read. May we all find the good at the end of the tunnel. "In every cloud there is a silver lining".

God Bless, PsDE

Monday, November 19, 2007

Devotion #12

Prepared to be WOW by the
Power of the Holy Spirit
and the Word of God!!!



Saturday, April 21, 2007

Devotion #11



Recently we just had our first prayer meeting in church, it was the first time i conducted a prayer meeting for the tribe. My heart was filled with anxiety and my mind had a zillion thots going thru it at any one time.

The only thing i reminded myself was to be on time and to end on time.
It was nevertheless to be a faith journey for me.

You see that nite, i was going to share about faith and after sharing out my heart and all that i know as a christian and young pastor. I sense the Holy Spirit speak to me to call forward my people who need healing.

In the many years of my ministry i've prayed for healing for only a handful of time and then it was always a one-to-one scenario. But that nite i had what i would call "Supernatural"Faith and as the people walked forward after i ask for the sick to come forward i prayed the simplest prayer. Lord You see Your children and they need your healing.

We prayed for 10 mins and after 2 rounds of checking, we have 5 testimonies of total healing on the spot and one sharing that she felt much better, that greatly encouraged the people. It was also the first time i saw healing in that dimension so up close and personal. Halleluah!!!

As we go deep, may His word and Spirit begin to do a new work in our hearts. May faith begin to rise among all of us and may we conquer in the Lord thru the Holy Spirit's guidance. May it rise and burst out of everyone of us. Amen.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Devotion #10


Today i will talk about the LAST POINT!
What Happens when we have a GREAT quiet time?

There is Joy Unspeakable

As we meet with God daily, He transforms the condition of our hearts. Thus we will shine with His contagious joy overflowing out of us.

There is Strength Released

As we meet with God daily, our spiritual batteries are being recharged, and our perspective changes and we see things as they really are.

There is Peace of Heart

As the spirit speaks to us, His voice becomes assuring stillness that assures our hearts.

There is Great Stability

As we learn to anchor deep, our lives becomes steadfast in the spirit of the Lord.
Thus eliminating our "spiritual roller coaster"ride.

There is Real Change in our Lives

As we go deep, His word and Spirit will begin to change the conditions and our responses of our lives. We will begin to look more like Jesus.

It is my prayer that you too will enjoy the privilege of fellowship with the Lord. Just as we are shaped and fashioned by what we love, may the Holy Spirit transform your spirit, heart and mind as we yield to Him. Amen.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Devotion #9


Today i will talk about the SECOND POINT!
What Happens when we have a quiet time?

A. It is A Time of Devotion

The first privilege is to give and not to get. As we enter into God's presence, we return to give God glory and praise. Many times it is a place we go to and ask of God whether for our personal purposes or the agenda's of "God's family", our tribe.... The emphasis is often Ego-Centric. Rev Edmund Chan shared recently that it is time the church return to a Theo-Centric approach.

Let us return to the devotion of God because He deserves our devotion. For the word of God says "Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only." May we go to our quiet times each day out of a Love for God and not a sense of duty. For He deserves our devotion and He desires our devotion too. For the Father seek true worshipers who worship in spirit and truth.

B. It is A Trust in His Direction

You see, God often guides us in our lives and ways as we come before Him. King's David's life as we can see from scripture was one that constantly sought God's direction ("Show me Your ways, O Lord...Ps 25:4-5"). Our time in God is a good time where we can received guidance from the Lord.

Furthermore, many of us know we should emulate Jesus. Do you know that Jesus very often retreated to a quiet place that He may be refreshed physically and spiritually. He often "Plugged Into" the Father in these times to lay hold of the Father and His will.

In fact, being in touch with the Lord daily will allow us to see many of our problems, questions or opportunities from the right perspective. Only in our daily communion with God can He be able to guide our lives much more powerfully.

C. It is A Touch of His Delight

As we soak in the wonderful presence of the Lord, something is transformed from the inside of our spirit. There is an overflow of peace and joy in our hearts.

This is the fruit of intimacy, as intimacy will always bring delight. Because as we draw nearer to God, His joy in us will overflow from Him and pour into our lives. This love will overran our troubled hearts and stubborn minds, strengthening our hope in Him. That is why time with God is liken to our relationship with God, sometimes even to that of a Husband & Wife. The reality is this, the more we love someone wouldn't we want to be closer and willingly give more time to spend with them.

D. It Is A Transformation, Divine

The last privilege from having a good quiet time with God is that it grows our spiritual lives and we become more and more like Him.

Truth be told that we were "Created in His image, fashioned after Him" and as Jesus enters our hearts, we are transformed more and more like Him. This happens by the washing through the Word of our minds and the renewal by the Holy Spirit in our hearts. As we learn to walk daily with Christ, we begin to grow in thinking more and more like Jesus as we yield our lives to Him. Because the more you are with a person, the more you become like Him.

Our ultimate goal is to be just like Jesus.

Let me end with a quote again, "We are shaped and fashioned by what we love."

You see, i have a grandma. She is over 70 years old and once when she was young, she literally paved the streets of Singapore. Having a hard life and being widowed was not an easy thing to go thru. Life was full of troubles and hardship were everywhere. As she grew, she decided that the only thing important to her were family and money.

So true of many we know and maybe even in subtle ways a reflection of us. Unfortunately, she has been repeatedly disappointed by the family around her and even with much money, she wasn't happy as worries set in. You see when she decided to make "Family & Money" her king, her life was fashion around these and that desire to possess both controlled her.

Recently she had a heart attack, and i had the opportunity to spend an extended time with her. We talked and shared. She shared she was worried about me, how eve and me were coping with me so long not working. I shared that God was my help and walked thru extended on what Jesus has done and become to me in my life.

I shared of how i changed from the son who broke my parents heart to one who was a bridge now for them. How though i was an A level failure, God turn it around and brought me to succeed in my work all along. Finally i shared how once i led a life loving myself to one in constant surrender, without fear or anxiety in God's promises. This all because i was transform daily in Christ and in His hope. I could see her wavering and my prayer is that she will know Christ and be an "AH SAM" (Actively, Happy Serving Ah Ma) for Christ.

It is my prayer that you too will enjoy the privilege of fellowship with the Lord. Just as we are shaped and fashioned by what we love, may the Holy Spirit transform your spirit, heart and mind as we yield to Him. Amen.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Devotion #8


There are 3 Major Reasons why:-

1. Because we need fellowship with God
2. Because it is our privilege as Christians

3. Because we gain tremendous benefits from it

Today i will talk about the first point, "Why is daily fellowship with God so important".

A. We were created to have fellowship with God

The reality is this, we were created in God's own image for the purpose of fellowship. Now the more awesome reality, we were the ONLY creatures created to have fellowship with God. God chose us to have fellowship with Him, we are special.

B. Jesus Christ died on the cross so that our fellowship with God could be restored

When Adam sinned, we broke faith with God. Thereafter we his descendants could no longer have fellowship with a Pure & Holy God. But God considered us so important that He sent His son to this world to die for our sins, that He may restore fellowship with us. God wants so much to fellowship with us, will you.

C. Regular quiet time during Jesus' ministry was a source of His strength

Personal time with His Father in heaven was the top priority in Jesus life. He was never too busy for it. In fact it was often when He was busiest that He made certain He kept daily touch with the Father. If Jesus needed this time with the Father, how much more for us.

D. Every great man of woman of God thruout history has spent much time alone with God

Anyone who has ever been used mightily by the Lord was a man or woman of the Word and Prayer. The common thing between the great saints of God like DL Moody, Charles Spurgeon, Billy Graham, John Wesley, Daniel the Prophet, Moses, King David and the Apostle Paul was that they spent much time with God in personal fellowship. They knew God, they longed to be in His presence.

E. We cannot be healthy growing Christians without daily fellowship with the Lord.

Have you ever gone without food for a day? You'll feel weak and if it carries on you'll get sick and very soon you'll be hanging by a thin breathe of life. The same is true of your spiritual life, fellowship with God is liken to spiritual nourishment. If you go without it for prolong periods, you'll get weaker and very soon you'll be sick. To be strong and an overcomer, we need to grow healthily.

You see if you don't have a regular time with God, the consequence are simple.
i. You will miss out on the privilege you were created for.
ii. You would be rejecting what Jesus died for to make possible for you and me.
iii. You will never experience the same power and refreshment Jesus did.
iv. You will never be greatly used by God.
v. You will remain a weak and sickly Christian all your life.

Let me end with a quote someone once told me, "What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to people."

The moral behind was that smiles brighten each person it meets and was like sunshine to flowers. Yet a more important truth was that flowers needed sunshine because it fed its soul and give it strength to carry on growing healthily.

You see in similar ways a smile is not just about looking good but it changes the way you feel when you receive it. The change goes all the way to our hearts, even if it's from a stranger. Even when we know nothing about the person, have you ever wondered how is it that a smile can just naturally make you feel better and its often so natural that you'll smile back. (A short but powerful heart transformation)

In the same way as we fellowship with the Lord in our quiet time, the Lord does in our hearts and spirit the same way smiles :) does to us. Only that the effect is multiplied 10 x 10 times. I pray that as the Holy Spirit speaks and quiken your spirit you will join me in this prayer.

Lord make my heart, tender and pure.
Make me strong, help me endure.

In this hour, let me stand, with You i can.
So lead me on Holy Spirit, and i will go.

Lead me on and i will follow.
Lead me on to where so few have gone, and i will go.
I will go Lord, lead me on. Amen.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Devotion #7

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

Everytime i look at the Aurora Borelis (Northern Lights), my heart is filled with warmth and i dream of being close to heaven...Its like with every dance of lights, you feel yourself drawn into a world of wonder where you are dazzled by colorful lights that seem to have their own spirit and soul. Often i can only gasp at how God created this.

My fascination with the Northern Lights started since Sec 1 when i found out about it and many years ago, i made a wish that one day i would like to propose to my future wife under these amazing heavenly lights. (So Romantic..Hor!!!) Though my wife would have called me crazy, why because you can only see these lights in the NORTH POLE....her argument....she would have freeze to death before getting there. That is minus-ing the thousands of dollars it'll cost us plus sub-zero temperature. :)

Well, i gave up and since then i've never really thought about it.

That is until i read the verse above.

You see my desire to see the lights sprang from a deep longing to be part of something great, something amazing. It was a heart cry for a better tomorrow, no more poverty, no more parent fights at home, no more looking in sadness what so many other had that i didn't have, no more pain from illnesses that haunted my sickly physic and finally no more fear of death each time my asthma attacked me.

But the day i read this verse it changed the way i saw things. You see i begin not to look what i don't have and what i would like so very much. Instead i begin in a simple act of counting my blessings, counting my thanksgiving and counting every breathe God still graciously allowed me to breathe. It change the way i saw things and the very way i lived too.

I began to be grateful for a job, not only a job, but a job that gave me a car then. I become more happy as i counted each sunrise that i saw, knowing that it was He's grace i'm still alive. I became thankful for the parent whom i still could see each day regardless of the difference they shared so animatedly. I counted everything good thing out of everything that happened to me and all of a sudden life become lighter, easier to manage and much more happier.

Do you need a new pair of eyes..thankful eyes.....maybe its time to ask God to give you one.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Devotion #6


This is the 12th year entering my 13th since May 1994 that i've come to know the Lord. It has been a long road of grace, hope, repentance and love filled with many sacrifices, tears as well as smiles.

Since growing from a very young christian who take life very simply and only having two very simple and straightforward struggle....God's will Versus My Will.

I would have guess that with the years of maturing and learning that my struggles should have been resolved and my faith absolutely impeccable. The reality sometimes seems so far from ideal. Instead now i'm filled with many complicated truths and understanding the ways of the world better has sometimes blurred the line further.

But recently my trip to Malacca and change everything.
What change, it no longer is so complicated.
It has return to become simple again....

Its all back to basics, "GOD'S DESIRES VS MY DESIRES"

So i revisited the old wells of surrender and obedience. Learning anew the lessons i may have learned over 12 years ago. That it all boils down to the intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

So i'm working out again and it's becoming simpler and suddenly so much lighter just to walk with the Lord. Literally a "Walk in the clouds". The times has become much more refreshing and i'm no longer in a hurry to talk to God and then go on ahead with the little nitty gritty things i need to get done.

My prayer as i grow deep this year is to a few things:-
1. To grow in love with God's WORD again
2. To grow closer in prayer and intimacy with the Holy Spirit
3. To love God and be immerse in His will

How Great is Our God, Sing with me.
How Great is Our God.
All will sing how Great, how Great is our God.

I love you Father, I love Jesus, I love you Spirit.


Friday, February 9, 2007

Devotion #5


As we enter into this season of celebrating Valentine's and celebrating friendships.

Just want to thank God for the friend's who have been a flame of light in my life. Friends who have always doubled my joy and halved my sorrows. Frineds like Ying Wai, Seng Hong, Zhao Hua, Seh Boon, Tom Ho, Danny Loke and Harvey.

God bless you and I Love You.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Devotion #4


May we return to the passion of "Running after God".

This is a video by Planet Shakers, i was just visiting memory lane and i recalled that was a time that DE tribe was so into the Lord and our hearts just burned.

May this video serve as a visual reminder of that Passion that still burns in us.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Devotion #3


Today was an interesting day, I woke up to the realisation of the True Power of the Word of God and was to discover how the Spirit would be speaking to me.

There will be 3 stories i share that God spoke and i pray it will speak to your spirit too.

The First Story is the Story of the Warmth of Marriage
Last nite was a very special G12 nite. It was the first time that i experience something that caught me. EJ24 is a family that is beginning to grow closer and that we would be willing to share our closest and personal moments.

You see, it was Ps Jeffrey and Ps Rachel 13th Wedding anniversary. It was such a joy just knowing that my older brother and sister carried such a sweet love for each other. That they still continue to express that love to each other daily. It was so sweet and so encouraging that these were the brothers and sisters we're surrounded by. This nite really encouraged me and eve, we pray that we may take their lead of love.

We celebrated it at Thomson Swenson's and it was a very fun nite of jokes and Great ICE CREAM. It was my first catching a very tangible moment that we were a family for the entire EJ24, a prayer that i made to God as i joined them last year Dec 2006. A fear (that EJ is not close) surrendered and a hope now birthing (we are a family).

The thing that also caught my attention was the heart of my spiritual parents. They cut short the G12 mtg and the many things that they could do to make way for us all to share in this special moment as a family. That was the kind of spiritual Father & Mother we have. Parents whom really LOVE not because they must but because they CHOOSE TO and they WANT TO. Something that me and Eve told each other we will follow. Gracias Jesus!

The Second Story is the Story of the Warmth of A Grandma
Today i sent Baby Ignez to see her Grandma (Eve's mum), it was amazing. When we peek thru the window, my mother jump and started playing pee-a-boo with Ignez. Such was the love she poured out that it brighten up Ignez face up instantly and you could see the wide smile of Ignez, so sweet and lovely. You may say, wow such a priceless love for the grandchild.

Yes, that's true, but little do any of you know that this same grandma would be quitting her job to take care of Ignez full time.... Well, our response may be so nice. May also be time to retire for her and take a break.

True again but behind the story of this same Grandma, is a strong and faithful service to the same company she has known all her life. A place where she has a dedication of over 30 years and the very first and only job she has known since completing school. It was a Sacrifice thru and thru from the depth of her love for us & Ignez.

This is the loving hands that sacrifice and love my wife and now to this same hands we'll be entrusting my daughter too. Gracias Jesus!

The Last Story is the Story of the Warmth of the Holy Spirit
Today was the first time after a long time that i swam. I decided to visit my hunt Tampines Safra swimming pool, a place i prayer swim often over 3 years ago.

When i reach the pool, i took out the word of God and i decided to revisit Psalms 1.
I begin meditating on it and praying it over and over again and after a series of warm up i went into the pool. It was a Freezer in the middle of a Hot day....water was so amazingly cold.... I almost wanted to jump out, but then the Holy Spirit prompted me to just meditate on Psalms 1.

Then the first lap begin and i was trying to adjust to swimming again plus the extremely cold water that i begin to not be able to recite Psalms 1 in my mind. It was then the Spirit said again, recite the Psalm and I will hold you. I felt that the Lord was helping to stabilise my strokes and i begin to swim and very soon i begin too to recite Psalms 23 as i made the return lap.

It was then that the Lord spoke, you have asked Me for MyHand to be upon your life and your children. Now swim 12 LAPS for each of them. As i started the 1st lap for one of my son's i was beginning to ache due to a lack of exercise and my muscles begin to tired. Immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to me about the tiredness of that one son. As He spoke, i was amazed that He wanted me to persevere for him. (Why persevere, because i'm fasting lunch for 40 days and this was the 7th day that i was into the 40 day fast)

One lap for each son and the Lord just spoke a specific condition they were in and laid in me to prayer swim for them. Every lap held its own unique message and when i completed my 10th lap, i had finish praying for the 10 i was raising and then the Lord told me now ask of me for your 11th and 12th son. It was then i begin to receive faith to believe that He would complete this family. That each man would be hand picked by Him and would be one who would be after His heart. It was then that my heart broke and i begin crying in the water and in my spirit as my spirit was just so overwhelmed by Him as He awoken the FAITH within me.

On my Twelve lap, the Lord spoke again and this time the message was again different. Pray for your father and i swam with every ounce of energy left in me. It was a special lap, because i was the last son and as the Lord spoke, i felt that He had prepared a very special place of the father in my heart. In the same way the Holy Spirit also said that likewise your last son will bring you much joy and will be a blessing to you.

As i ended my swim, i no longer felt "The Cold" again. It has totally left me and all of my being felt recharged and that my heart has risen again. It was like a new breeze of renewal in my spirit and i move with a spring in my step. Gracias Jesus!

You see in the 3 stories, the Lord was speaking about the family i was to be in and to build.

"All the believers were of one heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, much grace was upon them all. There was no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses shold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need." Acts 4:32-35

The classroom of the Holy Spirit today taught me the ABC's of the ways of God.

- Just like marriage, we give ourselves totally unto each other in FAITH

2. BELIEVE in Christ
Just like a grandma, for love we forsake our purpose to pick up the His one in LOVE

3. CONSECRETED thru Christ
- Just like the swimmer, we go the long haul and surrender our HOPE in His leading

Will you join me in ONE HEART and ONE MIND in ONE SPIRIT.


Sunday, February 4, 2007

Devotion #2


Kenny just returned from Bogota from the latest "Doce Conencion Internacional" and the theme was "Su Mano Esta Sobre Mi"....It was an amazing 6 days...AMAZING!!!

He shared about the electrifying experience of Faith and expectation that and as he spoke i sense the Spirit say to me.....I"M COMING AND MY HAND IS ON YOU!!!

He spoke of thousands of lives coming into the Kingdom of God, about the healing of a worship leader who was on a wheelchair and how amazing it was to see the youngest daugther of Ps Cesar, Sarah preached to 15,000 church leaders....It's AMAZING!!!

In my hunger i search for something to bring to you something visually and i found this. As i watched this video of my Great Grandfather...my spirit is quicken and i believe that the Holy Spirit will move in 2007 for our tribe and Youthnet....

Praise be to the Lord....
Let faith rise up and be praying, in fact as you invite your friends to our "Friendship Special" this Sat...please invite those whom God has open a door for you and i believe that the Holy Spirit will speak to you about them....

As you invite them, please do them a favor...Pray in tongues for them for the next 6 days.
Do not talk to them about God, but ask God for a burden of prayer for them....
I sense that the Lord will be moving in their lives this week as you pray....

Encourage one another and message one another...let's anticipate the outpouring of His Holy Spirit into their lives as we celebrate with them....Halleluah!!!

Ps DiE

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Devotion #1

A Little Boy's Love

A boy once went into a pet shop, looking for a puppy. The store owner directed him to a little box. The boy looked at the puppies inside and picked each one up, examined it, and put it back into the box.

After several minutes, he walked backed to the owner and said,"I picked one out. How much will it cost?"

The man gave him the price, and the boy promised to be back in a few days with the money. " Don't take too long," the owner cautioned. "Puppies like these sell quickly."

The boy turned and smiled knowingly,"I'm not worried," he said. "Mine will still be here."

The boy went to work - weeding, washing windos, cleaning cars. He worked hard and saved his money. When he had enough for the puppy, he returned to the store. He walked up to the counter and laid down a pocketfull of old bills. The store owner sorted and counted the cash. After verifying the amount, he smiled at the boy and said,"All right, son, you can go get your puppy."

The boy reached into the back of the box, pulled out a skinny dog with a limp leg, and started to leave. The owner stopped him.

"Don't take that puppy," he objected. "He's crippled. He can't play. He'll never run with you. He can't fetch. Get one of the healthy pups."

"No thank you, sir," the boy replied. "This is exactly the kind of dog I've been looking for."

As the boy turned to leave, the store owner started to speak but remained silent. Suddenly he understood. For extending from the bottom of the boy's trousers was a brace - a brace for his crippled leg.

Why did the boy want the dog?
Because he knew how it felt.
And he knew it was very special.

Do you know "How Precious You Are"....cos Jesus knows.....He came for you....

For me i know how precious HE has become in my life and just like the little crippled boy, thru the hurts and pains in my life i reach out to those Precious ones...that God has given me a heart for....

....who are the "Precious ones" God has given you. Would you work hard that you can reach out to them just like the little boy.